Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. This is the area where you will find most of the volcanoes in the world
  2. 4. Type of boundary where two plates separate
  3. 5. This mountain range that stretches along the Atlantic Ocean was created by a new crust from a divergent boundary
  4. 6. This is where two tectonic plates meet
  5. 7. This natural disaster, along with volcanoes, can cause a tsunami
  6. 9. Large chunks of lithosphere that gradually move
  7. 14. The 750-mile long fault in California that is created by a transform boundary
  8. 16. The prehistoric conglomerate of the 7 continents all combined
  9. 18. This is how scientists track movements of tectonic plates
  10. 20. This process creates new crust in the ocean
  11. 22. Process where one plate moves below another plate
  12. 23. An area in the Earth’s mantle that is unusually hot
  1. 1. The theory that plates slowly move the continents over time
  2. 3. Type of boundary where two plates collide
  3. 5. Lava that is below the Earth’s surface
  4. 8. Layer of the earth that represents the crust
  5. 10. The largest tectonic plate
  6. 11. The deepest part of the ocean floor
  7. 12. The scientist credited for the Continental Drift theory
  8. 13. Type of boundary where two plates slide past each other
  9. 15. This is the type of rock that is created at a ridge
  10. 17. This is created in the ocean when subduction occurs
  11. 19. Layer of the earth that contains magma
  12. 21. The mountain range in Colorado that is created by a convergent boundary