Plate Tectonics Vocabulary

  1. 3. The process of one plate moving below another plate.
  2. 8. The idea the continents were once joined together to form a single large continent.
  3. 9. A long, steep valley formed when two parallel rifts form in the Earth's crust and the land between them sinks.
  4. 11. Where two plates spread apart from each other.
  5. 12. Where two plates collide.
  6. 13. A deep ditch; found at a subduction zone.
  1. 1. Is a fixed area of the mantle that is so hot that magma rises through the lithosphere above it.
  2. 2. The idea that the continents were once joined in a single land mass that eventually broke apart into pieces that slowly moved away from each other.
  3. 4. Where two plates slide past each other.
  4. 5. A process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge.
  5. 6. A huge crack in the crust where the hot mantle pushed upward.
  6. 7. The idea that the earth's crust is made up of large pieces, called plates, that have moved over time.
  7. 10. The process where when new rock is formed at the mid-ocean ridge, it is affected by the polarity of the earth's magnetic field causing a pattern of parallel magnetic "strips".