Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The number of large continents
  2. 4. _____ drift-another name for Plate tectonics
  3. 6. ____ currents- how plates move
  4. 7. The name of the 'super continent'
  5. 9. The plate that Scotland is on
  6. 11. The crust that is found under oceans
  1. 1. These were found on different continents, proving scientists theory of plate tectonics
  2. 3. Plate____- where plates meet
  3. 5. The number of smaller plates on earth
  4. 8. 150____-the number of years ago the continents began to move
  5. 10. It is around 2900km thick
  6. 12. It consists of an inner and outer section