Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. An instrument that records the motions of the Earth, especially earthquakes
  2. 4. A written record of an earthquake, recorded by a seismograph
  3. 6. Shaking of the Earth caused by a sudden movement of rock beneath its surface
  4. 9. Tectonics The theory that the Earth's crust and upper mantle (the lithosphere) is broken into a number of more or less rigid, but constantly moving, segments or plates
  5. 10. Of or having to do with earthquakes
  6. 12. To bend or change direction
  7. 14. One or a series of huge sea waves caused by earthquakes or other large-scale disturbance of the ocean floor
  8. 15. The circular depression containing a volcanic vent
  9. 16. volcano A volcano that is currently erupting, or has erupted during recorded history
  1. 1. The term used for magma once it has erupted onto the Earth's surface
  2. 2. A scientist who studies earthquakes
  3. 3. Spot An area in the middle of a lithospheric plate where magma rises from the mantle and erupts at the Earth's surface
  4. 5. A measure of the strength of an earthquake or strain energy released by it, as determined by seismographic observations
  5. 7. The maximum height of a wave crest or depth of a trough
  6. 8. That point on the Earth's surface directly above the hypocenter of an earthquake
  7. 11. The thin outer layer of the Earth's surface
  8. 13. scale The system used to measure the strength of an earthquake
  9. 17. The innermost layers of the Earth