Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. The process in which an oceanic plate is forced into the mantle.
  2. 4. The parts of the lithosphere that are continuously moving.
  3. 5. Plates that are made of thick, old, and buoyant crust.
  4. 7. The scientist who proposed the idea of Continental Drift.
  5. 9. The rigid outer shell of the earth that are made of the crust and upper mantle.
  6. 10. The type of plate boundary in which an oceanic plate is forced underneath a continental plate.
  7. 11. The type of boundary in which the two plates are moving away from each other.
  8. 13. The super continent that drifted apart to make the continents we know today.
  9. 14. The hot substance the resides under the earth's crust.
  1. 2. The theory proposed by Alfred Wegener about plate tectonics and their movement.
  2. 3. A fracture in the rock where movement has occurred.
  3. 6. Plates that are made of thin, young, and dense crust.
  4. 8. Several volcanoes that form a geometric shape in and along the Pacific Ocean.
  5. 12. The type of plate boundary in which the two plates grind against each other.