Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. usually occur at transform boundaries
  2. 4. outer shell of earth
  3. 5. place between plates
  4. 7. ridgid but moving pieces of the earths surface
  5. 9. broken parts of the upper mantle
  6. 10. very center of earth
  7. 13. plates coming together
  8. 16. earth before continents moved
  9. 18. suggested seafloor spreading
  10. 19. rocks in crust move and break
  1. 2. layer of mantel that underlies the lithosphere
  2. 3. the formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  3. 6. plates pulling apart
  4. 8. theory of formation and movment of the earths plates
  5. 11. plates sliing past one another
  6. 12. evidence of continental drift- ________ fit of all continents
  7. 13. theory that all continents are fragments of pangaea
  8. 14. came up with theory of continental drift
  9. 15. on earths surface
  10. 17. inside earth