Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. transform movement
  2. 3. convergent movement
  3. 5. when rocks are pressurized
  4. 9. pass by horizontally
  5. 10. push together
  6. 15. the three types of collisions are continent-continent, continent-ocean and ____
  7. 16. plate tectonics are located here
  8. 17. plates move apart
  9. 18. the continents were like one large puzzle
  10. 19. plate tectonics cause mountains, volcanoes, and_____
  1. 1. large scale movements of earth's lithosphere
  2. 2. continent continent collisions cause this land form
  3. 4. divergent movement
  4. 6. before lava
  5. 7. the way scientists explain the age and patterns of sea floor rocks
  6. 8. kind of movement due to differences of density
  7. 11. lithosphere is divided into pieces
  8. 12. there are these many plate tectonics
  9. 13. the mechanism that scientists think is most important
  10. 14. rocks are pulled apart