Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. layer between the crust and the core
  2. 3. boundary between two colliding plates
  3. 4. Name of the hypothetical great continent
  4. 5. the bending of rock layers
  5. 6. a break in the Earth's crust
  6. 10. theory that continents drift apart
  7. 12. Movement of a fluid because of density differences.
  8. 14. the central part of the Earth below the mantle
  9. 15. Deep valley which runs down the middle of a mid-ocean ridge
  10. 16. outermost layer of the Earth
  11. 17. boundary between two plates moving away from each other
  1. 1. Long chain of underwater mountains
  2. 2. a pulling force
  3. 4. Large moving section of lithosphere that contains continents and seafloor
  4. 7. a region where a an oceanic plate sinks down into the athenosphere
  5. 8. outermost, rigid layer of the Earth
  6. 9. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  7. 10. a squeezing force
  8. 11. soft layer of the mantle
  9. 13. plate piece of the lithosphere that moves on the asthenosphere