Plate Tectonics

  1. 7. a motion that transfers heat energy in a material.
  2. 9. occurs where two plates carrying continental crust push together.
  3. 12. energy transfer by the movement of a material.
  4. 15. huge underwater mountain ranges.
  5. 16. large and small slabs of rock made of the lithosphere.
  6. 18. when one plate sinks beneath another.
  7. 19. a thin layer of cool rock.
  8. 20. Earth's thickest layer.
  9. 21. occurs where plates move apart.
  1. 1. occurs where plats scrape past each other.
  2. 2. Alfred Wegener's hypothesis.
  3. 3. occurs where one plate with oceanic crust sinks, or subducts, under another plate.
  4. 4. a layer of hotter, softer rock in the upper mantle.
  5. 5. a switch in direction caused by changes in Earth.
  6. 6. where heated rock rises in plumes, or thin columns,from the mantle.
  7. 8. occurs when ocean crust sinks under continental crust.
  8. 9. occurs where plates push together.
  9. 10. geologists combined knowledge of Earth's plates, the sea floor, and the asthenosphere.
  10. 11. a ball of hot, solid metals.
  11. 13. a layer of liquid metals that surrounds the inner core.
  12. 14. a gap made by the ridges widening.
  13. 17. a combination of Earth's crust and very top of the mantle.