plate tectonics

  1. 3. a deep trench in the ocean floor that is much deeper than the rest of the ocean floor
  2. 4. a layer of plastic semi-solid rock in the lower mantle
  3. 5. molten rock that has erupted onto the earths surface
  4. 7. the process of new crust forming at the ocean ridges and spreading outwards
  5. 8. where the crust is sinking down into the earth
  6. 9. a huge wave in the ocean caused by and earthquake occurring on the seafloor
  7. 10. molten rock below the earth surface
  1. 1. the process of the
  2. 2. the separating of continents by drifting across the ocean
  3. 6. a place where extremely hot material from inside the earth erupts at the surface
  4. 7. a seismic wave that travels along the surface of the earth in the crust