Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. This is mass divided by volume
  2. 3. Dense ball of solid metal
  3. 4. Scientists say that the movement of this causes the Earth's magnetic field
  4. 6. This supercontinent, known as Pangaea, existed before the ______.
  5. 7. The process that takes place at the convergent boundary
  6. 10. When two plates collide, one plate can slide under another into the subduction zone, or slide above another plate to form mountains
  7. 12. Found in continental crust
  8. 14. All life exists on this layer on Earth
  9. 16. Located under the Lithosphere
  1. 1. When two plates move away from each other
  2. 2. A well-substantiated explanation of some aspects of the world
  3. 5. The flow that transfers heat within a fluid
  4. 6. Heat transferred by the movement of currents within a fluid
  5. 8. Found in oceanic crust
  6. 9. Scientific Theory that describes the motion of the Lithosphere
  7. 10. The transfer of heat within a material between materials that are touching
  8. 11. When two plates slide past each other
  9. 13. The crust and the uppermost mantle
  10. 15. This layer's thickness is 2,867 km