Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. oceanic and continential plates collide
  2. 5. ridged layer of earth about 100 km thick
  3. 8. cone-shaped hill or mountain formed when hot magma, solids and gas erupt onto surface
  4. 9. spreading Hess’s theory that new seafloor is formed when magma is forced upward
  5. 10. movement of the ground that occurs when rocks inside Earth pass their elastic limits
  6. 12. plate portion of one block of Tectonic plates, which is not submerged in water
  7. 14. boundary-when two plates slide past one another
  8. 17. Wegner meteorologist who came up with theory of Pangaea
  9. 18. number of Continents
  10. 19. current current in earth’s mantle that is driving force for plate tectonics
  1. 1. ridges mountains that form when two oceanic plates collide
  2. 2. plasticlike layer of earth which lithospheric plate floats and moves on
  3. 4. tectonics theory that Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into plates that float and move
  4. 6. crust A thick mass of igneous rock which lies under the ocean floor
  5. 7. name given to large land mass before drifting apart
  6. 11. plates move and separate
  7. 12. plates move and come together
  8. 13. when continental plates collide forms this
  9. 15. fracture that occurs when rock changes shape by breaking
  10. 16. valley long crack that forms between tectonics plates