Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. fresh water reptile found in Antarctica and South America
  2. 4. the process of ocean floor sinking beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle
  3. 7. the outermost layer of ther Earth
  4. 10. no crust is created or destroyed at this type of boundary
  5. 13. undersea mountian chain where new ocean floor is produced
  6. 15. the middle layer of out Earth
  7. 16. the flow that transfers heat within a fluid
  8. 17. upper part of the mantle
  9. 18. one component of the outer core
  10. 20. part of the mantle that bends like plastic
  1. 1. the innermost layer of the Earth
  2. 2. the supercontinent that connected all the continents
  3. 5. the kind of crust that is found under the ocean
  4. 6. scientist that realized the continents fit together like puzzle pieces
  5. 8. type of convergent boundary that forms mountians
  6. 9. rocks on the continents have been found to be ___________ years old
  7. 11. fresh water reptile found in Africa, Antarctica, and India
  8. 12. the oceanis crust bends downward and sinks back into the mantle
  9. 14. the plates that move together
  10. 19. the device the maps the ocean floor