Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The outer layer of the earth
  2. 4. Last name of the scientist who proposed the continental drift theory
  3. 5. Carries heat from the inner mantle to the outer mantle
  4. 10. Continental __________ Theory
  5. 11. Mountain range thought to have formed when India drifted into Asia
  6. 13. Occurs after a sudden movement in the Earth's crust
  7. 14. Raised area or mountain range lying under the ocean
  8. 16. Liquid rock found under the surface of the Earth
  9. 17. The continent believed to fit perfectly into Africa
  10. 19. Formed when magma rises to the Earth's surface
  1. 1. Crust that lays under the ocean
  2. 2. ______________ plate is when two plates move away from each other
  3. 6. Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken up into pieces known as ____________ _________
  4. 7. When two plates mtle / ove towards each other and collide, they are known as _____________ plates
  5. 8. A deep valley forming at the edge of a continent when subduction takes place
  6. 9. A ____________ plate movement is when two plates slide past each other
  7. 12. Name of the one continent before continental drift
  8. 14. The portion of the Earth between the crust and the core
  9. 15. When one plate is forced sideways and down into the mantle below another plate
  10. 18. The centre of the Earth