Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Molten rock stored beneath Earth's surface
  2. 7. The process that results when a dense oceanic plate sinks beneath a more buoyant plate
  3. 8. The type of rock that forms when lava crystallizes and cools
  4. 9. The thick middle layer of the Earth
  5. 12. The process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older crust moves away
  6. 14. The type of boundary between two plates that move toward each other
  7. 15. The circulation of particles within a material caused by differences in thermal energy and density
  8. 16. The dense metallic center of the Earth
  9. 18. The rigid outermost layer of the Earth that includes the upper mantle and crust
  10. 19. The type of boundary between two plates that slide past one another
  1. 1. Name given to a supercontinent that began to break apart 200 million years ago
  2. 2. Magma that erupts onto Earth's surface
  3. 3. The process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate
  4. 5. The partially melted portion of the mantle below the lithosphere
  5. 6. the rigid slabs of rock that make up the Earth's surface
  6. 10. The movement of Earth's continents over time
  7. 11. Long, narrow mountain range on the ocean floor
  8. 13. The process that results when magma rises and pushes oceanic plates in two different directions
  9. 14. The brittle, rocky outer layer of Earth
  10. 17. The type of boundary between two plates that move away from each other