Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Deepest trench in the world.
  2. 3. The seven major land masses on the planet Earth.
  3. 4. The landmass that is created when two plates come together along a Upper
  4. 6. Forces that build landmasses.
  5. 8. A place where move relative to each other
  6. 9. Lower layer of the mantle.
  7. 11. Where hot rocks rise, and cool rocks fall creating a flowing circle
  8. 13. Crust located under the ocean.
  9. 16. When a divergent boundary occurs and the magma helps create a new part of the plate.
  10. 18. Solid ball of iron in the center of the Earth.
  11. 19. One of the two original continents that Pangaea split into.
  12. 21. When two plates float toward each other.
  13. 26. Produced by the inner core spinning within the outer core.
  14. 27. Waves that are sent out and are timed coming back to map out objects
  15. 28. Fault the runs through California.
  16. 30. Layer of molten metal that covers the inner core.
  17. 31. Outer layer of Earth.
  18. 32. The study of tectonic plates.
  19. 33. Where geology was first founded
  20. 37. Amount of force pressing on an object.
  21. 40. Longest mountain chain
  22. 42. Created theory of continental drift
  23. 44. Earth’s supercontinent from over 200 MYA.
  24. 45. When oceanic plate subducts under continental plate
  25. 46. Molten rock.
  1. 1. One who studies geology.
  2. 2. String of mountains
  3. 5. When two plates float apart.
  4. 7. Where lava erupts of out the earth
  5. 10. Innermost layer of Earth.
  6. 11. Crust that makes up the continents.
  7. 12. The valley between two diverging plates
  8. 14. Melted rock
  9. 15. Larger, more important plate
  10. 17. Thickest layer of Earth.
  11. 20. Forces that destroy landmasses.
  12. 21. The theory of how the continents got where they are today.
  13. 22. Immense forces that are sent up through the Earth.
  14. 23. When two plates grind against each other.
  15. 24. Upper layer of the mantle.
  16. 25. When one plate slides underneath the other.
  17. 29. Vibrations that travel through the Earth.
  18. 34. Chunks of the Earth that float on the lithosphere.
  19. 35. smaller, less important plates
  20. 36. First living organism
  21. 38. The study of the planet Earth.
  22. 39. The other of the two continents that Pangaea split into.
  23. 41. Magma that has come out of the earth
  24. 43. It means “millions of years ago”