Plate tectonics

  1. 5. Where plates collide
  2. 7. Name of the supercontinent which began to "break up" 180 million years ago
  3. 8. Large segments of the Earth’s crust that move in relation to other plates
  4. 11. Place where plates meet
  5. 12. Place where plates move apart
  6. 14. A mountain range that is still rising
  7. 15. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core
  1. 1. another word for the place where the plates interact
  2. 2. A large wave caused by an undersea earthquake
  3. 3. Liquid rock below the earth’s surface
  4. 4. The outer layer of the earth, divided into tectonic plates
  5. 6. This happens when one plate is destroyed underneath another at destructive margins
  6. 9. Place where plates slide past each other
  7. 10. The German scientist who developed the continental drift theory
  8. 13. The core is made mainly of iron and _____