Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. known as lateral slipping plate movement
  2. 3. place where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and colliding
  3. 4. Earth's lithosphere is divided into about 12 large plates and several small ones that float on and travel independently over the asthenosphere
  4. 5. the transfer of heat by the movement of large groups of particles from one place to another
  5. 6. developed in the 1960's
  6. 10. deep rift valley formed by the divergent boundary
  7. 11. downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate
  8. 12. high-energy wave caused by an earthquake, volcano, landslide or other natural event
  9. 13. sudden and violent shaking of the ground
  1. 1. the movement of two oceanic plates away from each other
  2. 2. parts of the Earth's crust slowly drift atop a liquid core
  3. 7. also a divergent boundary
  4. 8. example of divergent but just where it's located
  5. 9. deepest feature of the ocean, plunging deep below the seafloor