Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Enormous moving pieces of the Earth's lithosphere.
  2. 5. The idea that Earth's lithosphere is broken into several large pieces of land that move around on Earth's convecting asthenosphere.
  3. 6. Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface.
  4. 7. A boundary where one plate-usually made of dense, oceanic crust-collides and sinks under less dense crust.
  5. 8. Theory that new seafloor is formed at a divergent plate boundary, when magma is forced upward toward the surface at a mid-ocean ridge.
  6. 10. An undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a devergent plate boundary.
  1. 1. A navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver.
  2. 2. An area created when cooler, denser fluid material sinks and the warmer, less dense fluid material rises to the surface.
  3. 3. Occur when plates slide and grind past one another along a fracture in the lithosphere.
  4. 9. The amount of force exerted per unit area of a surface.