  1. 4. cone / A type of volcano formed by slow-flowing lava
  2. 6. / A vast continental area or supercontinent comprising all the continental crust of the earth.
  3. 7. / A slow flowing lava with a toothpaste like consistency.
  4. 10. / When two tectonic plates converge they form a _____
  5. 12. / A volcano ejects _____
  6. 13. / Pahoehoe is _____
  7. 14. chamber / A reservoir of magma within the earth beneath a volcano
  8. 15. / The location where the earthquake begins.
  9. 16. / A sliding movement that occurs when two tectonic plates meet.
  10. 17. / The point of the earth’s surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake.
  11. 20. / A type of volcano formed by fast-flowing lava
  12. 23. / The consistency of lava refers to its _____
  13. 25. / The theory of continental drift was discovered by Alfred _____
  14. 26. / When the stiffness of soil is disturbed by an earthquake causing it to act like liquid.
  15. 27. / A type of volcano formed by a combination of both slow and fast flowing lava
  16. 30. / The instrument used to measure the force of an earthquake
  17. 32. Scarp / A step on the ground surface where one side of a fault has moved vertically in respect to another.
  18. 34. / A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
  19. 35. / Smaller tremors endured prior to a stronger earthquake
  20. 37. / The process of two tectonic plates meeting and forming a volcano.
  21. 38. / The southernmost subcontinent formed after the initial split of the super continent.
  1. 1. conduit/ The spout magma travels up to exit a volcano.
  2. 2. / A mountain or hill created by molten material that rises from the earth’s mantle to the surface.
  3. 3. / A fast flowing lava with a honey like consistency.
  4. 5. / The force of an earthquake is measured in _____
  5. 8. / A large ocean wave typically caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.
  6. 9. scale / The scale used to measure the force of an earthquake.
  7. 11. / The northernmost subcontinent formed after the initial split of the super continent.
  8. 12. / The rigid outer part of the earth.
  9. 18. / When two tectonic plates _____ they form mountains.
  10. 19. / Relating to the structure of the earth’s crust and the large scale processes which take place within it.
  11. 21. / When two tectonic plates _____ they cause seafloor spreading
  12. 22. current / A fast moving current of hot gas and rock
  13. 24. vibrations / The shaking of the ground during an earthquake is called _____
  14. 28. / A volcano contains _____
  15. 29. Spreading / a process that forms new oceanic crust.
  16. 31. / Smaller tremors endured after a stronger earthquake
  17. 33. / A sudden violent shaking of the ground as two tectonic plates meet.
  18. 36. / Any of the world’s main expanses of land.