Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. When a volcano erupts frequently it is _____
  2. 4. Large pieces of rock that float on the mantle and form Earth's crust
  3. 6. A destructive volcanic landslide or mudflow.
  4. 7. When energy is released from the earthds crust in the form of S and P waves.
  5. 9. the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities.
  6. 10. _______ ________ due to radioactive decay in the mantle causes plates to move.
  7. 11. The action of one plate sliding beneath another due to a difference in densities.
  8. 12. A logarithmic scale used to measure the impact of earthquakes.
  9. 15. A boundary in which plates move away from each other.
  10. 16. The most amazing, beautiful person that you have ever met.
  11. 17. A boundary in which plates move towards each other.
  12. 18. When a volcano is temporarily inactive but isn't fully extinct.
  1. 1. The point inside the crust where the pressure is released from an earthquake.
  2. 3. The point directly above the focus, on the surface, of an earthquake.
  3. 5. A mixture of hot steam, ash, rock and dust.
  4. 8. Small tremors or mini earthquakes that follow from a major earthquake.
  5. 10. A boundary in which plates slide past each other.
  6. 13. A machine that measures seismic waves
  7. 14. A region under earths surface where hot magma collects.
  8. 19. Molten rock