Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. two plates collide and neither subducts creating mountain ranges
  2. 3. supercontinent that formed 300million years ago
  3. 7. one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate
  4. 8. boundary between tectonic plates that are colliding
  5. 9. Process where a continent breaks apart
  6. 13. large ocean that surrounded Pangaea
  7. 15. german scientist who proposed continental drift in 1912
  1. 1. force that pushes the plate away from a mid-ocean ridge as new rock forms
  2. 4. process where a terrane becomes apart of a continent
  3. 5. Thin outer layer of earth consisting of crust and upper mantle
  4. 6. Solid, plastic layer of mantle that allows tectonic plates to move on top of it
  5. 8. large area of stable rock, all continents contain these
  6. 10. tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally
  7. 11. movement of heated materials due to differences of density caused by temperature
  8. 12. rocks within cratons that are exposed at earth's surface
  9. 14. leading edge of a subduction plate that pulls the rest of the plate into the asthenosphere
  10. 16. a valley that developes along a rift, occurs at divergent plate boundaries
  11. 17. boundary between tectonic plates that are moving away from each other