Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Movement along strike slip faulting is not up and down, but
  2. 7. Outer, thinnest layer of the Earth
  3. 8. Molten rock from within the earth
  4. 9. Type of scale to describe an earthquake in terms of the amount of damage done
  5. 11. What the outer core of the Earth is composed of
  6. 13. Type of faulting is common at divergent plate boundaries
  7. 14. The theory of crustal movement was introduced in 1915 by Alfred
  8. 17. The upper,"plastic" mantle that is made up of partially melted material
  9. 19. Formed from a hot spot in the Earth's Crust
  10. 20. Type of plate boundary when two plates move opposite of each other
  1. 1. Type of scale to describe the amount of energy released by an earthquake
  2. 2. The continental crust is mostly made of
  3. 4. Type of plate boundary where an ocean trench will typically form
  4. 5. Layer found below the crust
  5. 6. The crust and outermost part of the mantle
  6. 10. Waves that ripple the surface of the Earth, causing most of the damage of an earthquake
  7. 12. Type of fault when two plates slide horizontally past each other
  8. 15. Type of plate boundary when two plates move together
  9. 16. In an earthquake the point on the surface directly above the focus
  10. 18. Rock layers get warped, or bent as a result of compression