Plate tectonics

  1. 1. waves which can travel through solids, liquids or gases
  2. 3. father of plate tectonics.
  3. 5. vibrations or small earthquake felt after the major earthquake
  4. 6. device used to detect P-waves and S-waves
  5. 7. action of plate boundaries where new crust is formed
  6. 8. fracture in the crust where the movement has occurred.
  7. 9. hypothesis that all the continents fit together as one mass, which began to drift apart 200 million years ago.
  8. 13. slowest type of earthquake
  9. 14. produced by the movement of continental or oceanic plates
  10. 16. action of plate boundaries where they grind past each other
  1. 1. theory describes the formation, movement and interactions of plates
  2. 2. staring point of earthquake below earth's surface
  3. 4. they are created when the ground moves downhill from the vibrations
  4. 9. action of plate boundaries where crust is destroyed
  5. 10. when soil becomes saturated with water and cannot support buildings
  6. 11. vibrations or small earthquake felt before the major earthquake
  7. 12. volcanic mudflow of water and ash
  8. 14. the point directly above the focus on the earth's surface
  9. 15. type of fault where the plates are moving past one another
  10. 16. caused when the ocean floor is moved upward, creating large waves