Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
  2. 6. Boundary moving towards each other.
  3. 7. A mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock.
  4. 8. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  5. 9. A living organism; tree, shrub, herb, grass, and flower.
  6. 13. name of Wegener's theory.
  7. 15. Example of Convergent Boundary.
  8. 16. Relatively hard, naturally formed mineral or petrified matter; stone.
  9. 17. Proposed the theory of the Plate Tectonics.
  10. 18. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
  11. 19. The separation of the continents by plate tectonics.
  12. 21. This occurs in Continental Boundary (Ocean vs. Continent).
  1. 1. This happens in a Convergent Boundary (Continent vs. Continent).
  2. 2. A person.
  3. 4. Boundary moving apart from each other.
  4. 5. sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material.
  5. 9. The crustal plates are moving over the mantle.
  6. 10. A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance.
  7. 11. Example of Transform-Fault Boundary (Hint: It is a fault).
  8. 12. Example of Divergent Boundary (Hint: It is a ridge).
  9. 14. Boundary moving side by side.
  10. 20. A living organism that feeds on organic matter; fish, deer, snake, bird, and coyote.