Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Astronomer who discovered continental drift theory
  2. 7. Outermost layer of the Earth
  3. 8. Layer beneath the mantle
  4. 11. The region where two tectonic plates come into contact
  5. 13. Type of plate boundary that the plates push against eachother
  6. 15. Area where molten rock rises to the Earths surface
  7. 17. Earth's thickest layer
  8. 18. Partly molten layer in the upper mantle
  9. 19. A sudden ground breaking release of built up energy under the Earths surface
  10. 20. Type of evidence that supported Wegener's theory involving types of animals that lived there
  1. 1. Earths centre, that has a radius of about 1200km
  2. 2. Opening in Earths surface that when active spews out gases chunks of rock and melted rock
  3. 3. Deep underwater valley formed when an oceanic plates subduct under a continental
  4. 5. Type of plate boundary that the plates push away from eachother
  5. 6. Plates that move and then re-join on the lithosphere
  6. 9. The big wave that is caused by the displacement of water after an earthquake
  7. 10. Type of plate boundary that the plates slide by eachother
  8. 12. formed by plate tectonics in the crust and upper mantle
  9. 14. Wegener's name for the "super continent"
  10. 16. Transform fault in California