Plate tectonics

  1. 4. are formed when lava flows underwater
  2. 5. a sudden volent shaking of the ground
  3. 7. the most common volcano
  4. 10. erupt regularly, but not enough to be classified as active
  5. 12. how fast a point on the ground is shaking
  6. 13. the number of times something happens in a certain amount of time
  7. 17. the gradual movement of the continents across the earths surface
  8. 20. a tube formed by cooling of lava walls while fluid lava contiues to flow
  9. 22. induced by the movement of magma
  10. 25. outer layer of the earth
  11. 27. the size of an earhtquake
  12. 28. Moltern Rock outside of the earths surface
  13. 30. found mainly under the ocean
  14. 32. the place where two convergent plates come togther
  15. 33. a mountain or hill that has a vent through which lava and rock fragments can erupt from.
  16. 34. sleeping volcano, can erupt but hasnt in a very long time
  17. 38. the point on the earths surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
  18. 40. lava with a ropelike surface texture, low viscosity
  19. 41. made up of iron and nickel
  1. 1. Magma rock underneath the earths surface
  2. 2. moving apart
  3. 3. theory of the continental drift by ________
  4. 6. Make up the larger land masses we live on
  5. 8. solids and gases in the air after a volcano erupts
  6. 9. made up of magma, very thick
  7. 11. a way to express the magnitued of an earthquake
  8. 14. earthquake poduced by the detonation of chemicals or nuclear devices
  9. 15. the main vent in a volcano
  10. 16. can erupt at any time
  11. 18. the world is made up of these
  12. 19. earthquake is small, happen underground and in mines.
  13. 21. the rock that comes out of a vocano
  14. 23. volcano built from layers of cooled lava
  15. 24. sliding
  16. 26. Block lava, has high viscosity
  17. 29. volcano has no magma chamber
  18. 31. pushing together
  19. 35. least explosive volcano
  20. 36. a zone of volcanoes surrounding the pacific ocean
  21. 37. center of the earth
  22. 39. the largest earthquake in a sequence