Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The movement caused within a fluid caused by the tendency of hotter fluid to rise and cooler material to sinkdense Closely compacted in substance
  2. 3. A submarine ridge system
  3. 6. Outer part of earth, inc. the crust and mantle
  4. 10. The upper layer of earth's mantle, below the lithosphere
  5. 13. One giant land mass, 200 million years ago
  6. 14. Created Continental Drift Theory
  7. 15. Long, narrow ditch
  8. 16. A crack, split, or break in something
  9. 17. Type of plate boundary
  10. 19. Hard inner/outer layer of earth
  1. 1. Hot fluid similar to lava
  2. 2. The gradual movement of continents through geologic time
  3. 4. Type of plate boundary
  4. 5. Closely compacted in substance
  5. 7. Where two plates collide and the denser plate subducts under the less dense plate
  6. 8. ______ spreading
  7. 9. Used to join or strengthen things
  8. 11. Capable of being attracted by a magnet
  9. 12. Proposed theory about ocean-floor material
  10. 18. Type of plate boundary