Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. plates that move toward each other
  2. 8. second type of earthquake wave
  3. 10. plates that moving apart each other
  4. 15. the rigid outer part of the earth
  5. 18. vibration of earth
  6. 20. record earthquake wave
  7. 21. molten rocks
  8. 22. movement has occurred
  9. 24. fault are exactly the opposite of normal fault
  10. 25. no significant movement
  11. 26. underwater earthquake
  12. 28. the first type of seismic wave
  13. 29. studies earth
  14. 30. one plate moves under another
  1. 1. focus of an earthquake
  2. 2. mountains formed in part
  3. 3. outer portion of the earth
  4. 4. chain of volcanoes
  5. 6. plates that slide past each other
  6. 7. a line of mountains connected by high ground
  7. 9. consolidated mixture of minerals
  8. 11. tectonics moving lithospheric plate
  9. 12. a seismic wave that travels across the surface of the earth
  10. 13. rigid sections
  11. 14. record made
  12. 16. concentration of heat
  13. 17. thick part of the earth’s crust
  14. 19. continuous mass
  15. 23. depression in the seafloor
  16. 27. thin part of the earth’s crust