Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. What evidence led him to believe the continents may have fit together
  2. 5. Place where two plates are moving apart is called a _____ boundary
  3. 7. Islands form when a plate moves over a stationary what in the mantle
  4. 11. Instrument used to detect vibrations in the Earth
  5. 12. The strain when two plates are pushing together
  6. 13. Layer below the crust that is mostly solid but can move like silly putty due to great heat and pressure
  7. 14. Deep underwater depression
  8. 17. The man who discovered the continents may have fit together
  9. 19. Underwater volcanic mountain chains
  10. 23. Liquid part of the center (Second layer from center)
  11. 25. The strain when two plates are pulling apart
  12. 26. Two plates pulling apart can create what
  13. 28. The outermost layer of the Earth (You walk on it!)
  1. 1. The point directly above the focus during an earthquake
  2. 2. Center of the Earth made of metals like iron and nickel
  3. 3. Layer below the crust that is cooler and more brittle (Upper portion of the Mantle)
  4. 6. Under the ocean, the process when plates diverge and new crust is formed is called
  5. 8. Name for the supercontinent
  6. 9. California has many earthquakes because it sits on a
  7. 10. Seismic waves are measured using which scale
  8. 15. The process where heat rises from the bottom, spreads and then cools
  9. 16. The structure that is created when the plates move and release pressure from within the Earth
  10. 18. What happens when two plates slide and grind past each other
  11. 20. Place where two plates are moving together is called a ____ boundary.
  12. 21. Waves of energy that travel through the ground
  13. 22. Two plates colliding can create what
  14. 24. The point that the earthquake originated
  15. 26. An earthquake in the ocean can cause this
  16. 27. The strain when plates are moving sideways