  1. 1. Wegener proposed the theory of continental …… to explain why the same fossils exist on separate continents.
  2. 4. Magma that has flowed onto the Earth’s surface.
  3. 6. Type of plate boundary where plates move away from each other.
  4. 7. Lava from a volcano cools and solidifies into this.
  5. 11. Occurs when one plate sinks below another plate.
  6. 12. Type of plate boundary where plates move towards each other.
  7. 15. These occur around the “Ring of Fire”.
  8. 16. Layer of the Earth where convection currents occur.
  9. 18. Much of New Zealand’s south island rests on this plate.
  1. 2. Huge wave caused by an undersea earthquake.
  2. 3. Forms under the ocean at the site of a diverging boundary – a mid-ocean ……
  3. 5. The crust and uppermost solid mantle.
  4. 8. Thinnest type of crust.
  5. 9. Type of current in the mantle that causes tectonic plates to move.
  6. 10. Large, but separate pieces of lithosphere are called …. plates.
  7. 13. This forms on the ocean floor above a subduction zone – an ocean …….
  8. 14. Very hot molten rock that rises by convection within the mantle.
  9. 17. Very fine, light rock particles that issue from a volcano & form a rapidly rising cloud - volcanic …