Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. old man made item
  2. 6. beginning of seafloor spreading
  3. 9. 300 million years ago this supercontinent existed
  4. 10. land slides together
  5. 12. land converges
  6. 13. what continents rest on
  7. 16. causes movement of our plates
  8. 17. uses sound waves to measure distance
  9. 18. mass/volume
  10. 20. diverging on land
  1. 1. where subduction occurs
  2. 2. geologists theory of...
  3. 4. crust falling into the mantle
  4. 5. what our plates sit on
  5. 7. Earth’s largest layer
  6. 8. conveyor belt
  7. 11. divides land
  8. 14. famous scientist who discovered Pangaea
  9. 15. continents moving slowly over Earth’s surface
  10. 19. San Andreas …