Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. a break in the Earth's crust where sediment (rock and other things) have slipped past each other.
  2. 5. when plates move away from each other.
  3. 6. older crust is ____ _____ than newer crust.
  4. 8. a scientist who discovered pangea
  5. 10. the temperature of newer crust is _____ than older crust.
  6. 13. when the ocean floor goes into a canyon, what are the canyons called?
  7. 14. when plates slide on top or past each other.
  8. 16. Where the ocean spreads.
  9. 17. plates movement into a theory.
  10. 18. new crust is ____ ______ than old crust.
  11. 19. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate is called what?
  1. 1. the remains of a historic thing molded in a form or as a mold in rock?
  2. 2. when plates come together.
  3. 3. the name of the most popular supercontinent.
  4. 4. when the mid-ocean ridge adds more sea floor.
  5. 7. pieces separated by cracks.
  6. 9. a system for the detection of objects under water and for measuring the water's depth by radiating waves is called a?
  7. 11. peices of Earth’s crust diverge on land.
  8. 12. When continents moved slowly over Earth's surface is called?
  9. 15. the temperature of older crust is ______ than newer crust.