Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Breaks in the Earth's crust where blocks of crust are moving in different directions.
  2. 4. A valley or depression in the land bordered by fault zones and separating tectonic plates.
  3. 6. Theory that the continental landmasses drifted across the Earth.
  4. 8. A geological process in which the edge of a lithospheric plate slides underneath the edge of an adjacent plate.
  5. 9. Type of boundary where two plates are pushing toward each other.
  6. 10. When a heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath a lighter continental plate, this is formed.
  1. 1. A geologic process in which tectonic plates split apart from each other at midocean ridges.
  2. 2. Theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle.
  3. 5. Boundary where 2 plates are moving apart form each other.
  4. 7. Boundary where 2 plates slide past each other.