plate tectonics

  1. 4. slowly movecontinentaldrift - an idea that
  2. 8. deep underwater canyons
  3. 9. german scientist who discovered that the continents were together at one point
  4. 10. plates collide
  5. 13. plates slip past eachother
  6. 15. underwater ocean ranges
  7. 16. any trace of an ancient organism preserved in rock
  8. 17. a large body of water
  9. 18. plates come together
  10. 19. the uppermost part of the mantle
  11. 21. heat transfer from air currents
  1. 1. a mountain that erupts
  2. 2. breaks in the earth's crust
  3. 3. forms when pieces of earth's crust diverge on land
  4. 5. a layer of hot rock
  5. 6. a process that adds new material to the ocean floor
  6. 7. a supercontinent that existed 2 million years ago
  7. 11. a process where the ocean floor sinks in the mantle
  8. 12. pieces of earth separated by cracks
  9. 14. earth's plates that are in slow constant motion
  10. 20. how much mass there is in a given amount of volume