  1. 5. The name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago.
  2. 6. Occurs where the oceanic crust bends down toward the mantle.
  3. 8. A collision between two pieces of continental crust at a convergent boundary is likely to produce this
  4. 10. A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions, is known as a _____ boundary.
  5. 11. According to Wegener's hypothesis of_____ the continents were once joined together in a single land mass.
  6. 12. The process of ____ continually adds new crust to the ocean floor along both sides of the mid-ocean ridge.
  7. 14. A place where two places move away from one another in opposite directions is called a ____boundary.
  8. 15. Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  9. 16. The lithosphere is broken into sections
  1. 1. A place where two plates move toward one another and collide is known as a _____ boundary.
  2. 2. The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant, slow motion is the theory of plate ____.
  3. 3. Mid-ocean ridges form the ____mountain ranges on Earth
  4. 4. Most geologist think that the movement of Earth's plates is caused by this
  5. 7. Old oceanic crust is _____ dense than new oceanic crust
  6. 9. What technology did scientists use in the mid-1900s to map the mid-ocean ridge?
  7. 12. If subduction occurs faster than oceanic crust can be created an ocean will _____
  8. 13. When continental plates pull apart at a divergent boundary