Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. an opening in the earths crust that expels lava magma and other substances
  2. 7. two boundaries that move toward each other.
  3. 9. two boundaries that move away from each other.
  4. 10. the molten rock inside the earth
  5. 12. the section of earth beneath the earth's crust
  6. 13. a ridge underneath the Atlantic ocean that expels magma
  7. 19. caused by two continental convergent plates
  8. 20. the super continent
  1. 1. two boundaries that slide against each other.
  2. 2. his first name is Alfred, people made fun of his theory
  3. 4. the molten rock exposed in earth's crust
  4. 5. the pieces of the earths crust and lithosphere make up this
  5. 6. caused by one continental plate and one oceanic plate.
  6. 8. the spastic shaking of the earths crust.
  7. 11. the scientist that confirmed the theory of sea floor spreading
  8. 14. the crust and upper mantle make up this
  9. 15. under water earthquakes can cause this.
  10. 16. caused by divergent boundaries
  11. 17. the center of the earth
  12. 18. caused by transform boundaries