Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. Type of plate margin characterised by subduction zones and long fold mountain chains.
  2. 6. As two continental plates move towards each other, they are forced upwards creating this feature. (4,9)
  3. 7. A sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which originates naturally at or below the surface.
  4. 9. There is one in the Mid-Atlantic, and Iceland sits on one.
  5. 10. The Kobe earthquake measured 6.9 on this scale.
  6. 11. In December 2004 one of these hit Indonesia. It resulted in over 120,000 deaths.
  1. 1. Zone where oceanic crust is forced down and under continental crust.
  2. 2. Type of plate boundary where crust is neither created nor destroyed.
  3. 3. An instrument used to measures force and duration of an earthquake.
  4. 4. What fault causes earthquakes in California? (3,7)
  5. 6. The force which opposes the motion of one plate surface as it moves across another plate.
  6. 8. A deep sea feature created by subduction.