Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. An event that causes a magnetic field to reverse direction
  2. 6. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  3. 8. Happens at subduction zones where one plate is pulled down into the mantle
  4. 9. The process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge
  5. 12. Outermost layer of a planet
  6. 13. The process that results when magma rises at a mid-ocean ridge and pushes oceanic plates in two different directions away from the ridge
  7. 14. Hypothesis which suggests that the continents are in constant motion
  8. 15. Mountain range on the ocean floor, formed by magma at divergent plate boundaries
  9. 17. The boundary between two plates that move toward each other
  10. 18. Supercontinent
  11. 19. Heat is higher up, cold sinks
  12. 20. When one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate
  1. 1. Second to last layer of the Earth
  2. 2. Innermost part of a core
  3. 4. The boundary between two plates that slide past each other
  4. 5. When magnetized objects reverse direction and orient themselves to point south
  5. 7. The person who proposed that continents move
  6. 10. Part of the Earth between the core and the crust
  7. 11. Earth's surface is divided into large pieces of rigid rock which move over Earth's hot and semi-plastic mantle
  8. 16. When magnetized objects orient themselves to point north