Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. hardened pieces of lava
  2. 3. this occurs when rock layers bend under stress
  3. 4. type of fault common along convergent boundaries
  4. 5. materials that are made of hot ash and bits of rock
  5. 7. any place where gas, ash, or melted rock come out of the ground
  6. 11. the Appalachian Mountains are this kind of mountain
  7. 12. type of stress that squeezes or pushes rock together
  8. 13. type of boundary in which two plates move past each other horizontally
  9. 14. type of volcano with a broad base and gently sloping sides
  10. 16. type of stress that stretches or pulls rock apart
  11. 20. directly above the focus on Earth’s surface
  12. 21. the single large landmass that existed before the continents moved to their present-day location
  13. 23. the outermost, rigid layer of Earth; divided up into pieces called tectonic plates
  14. 24. a place within Earth along a fault at which the first motion of an earthquake occurs
  15. 26. seafloor spreading takes place at mid-ocean ______________
  16. 28. type of volcano that has alternating layers of hardened lava flows and pyroclastic material
  17. 30. the crack that forms when large blocks of rock break and move past each other
  18. 31. opening of a volcano
  1. 1. large basin-shaped depression that forms due to a collapsed magma chamber
  2. 2. movement of material due to differences in density
  3. 6. this national park has a hot spot on land
  4. 8. region of hot, slow-flowing, solid rock; located between the core and the crust
  5. 9. the process in which the shaking of an earthquake turns soft soil into liquid mud
  6. 10. a series of long waves that can travel outward in all directions from the point where an earthquake occurred
  7. 11. __________ eruptions happen when lava flows from giant cracks in Earth’s surface
  8. 15. magma that has reached Earth’s surface
  9. 17. the process by which rocks change shape when under stress
  10. 18. in the late 1800, he proposed the hypothesis of continental drift
  11. 19. substance found in magma that determines the force of an eruption
  12. 22. _________ rebound is the return of rock to its original shape after elastic deformation
  13. 25. the outermost solid layer of Earth
  14. 27. type of stress that pushes rocks in parallel but opposite directions
  15. 29. melted rock