Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. / What is the top layer of the Earth, the layer we live on?
  2. 5. / How many types of plates are there?
  3. 6. / Which boundary has sliding plates?
  4. 8. / What type of plate boundary spreads ridges?
  5. 9. / What are tectonic plates made of?
  6. 11. / What is the layer of molten magma?
  7. 13. cells / What moves the plates?
  8. 15. / What was the continents called when they were all together?
  9. 16. / How many plates are there?
  10. 17. / How many types of convergent boundaries are there?
  1. 1. / What is continental to Oceanic boundary also called?
  2. 2. to Continental boundaries / Which convergent boundary forms mountains?
  3. 3. / Are Earthquakes and vlocanoes linked to the margins of the tectonic plates?
  4. 4. / What is the layer made of hot metal?
  5. 7. / What is under the lithosphere?
  6. 10. / What is an example of a divergent plate boundary?
  7. 12. / Are Earthquakes randomly distributed around the world?
  8. 14. to Oceanic boundary / Which boundary forms a Subduction zone?
  9. 18. spots / What are hot plumes in the middle of a tectonic plate?