Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. we get _________ volcanoes mountain ranges and deep-sea trenches
  2. 4. this boundary occurs when 2 plate come together and forms either a mountain or a volcano
  3. 6. the first wave in an earthquake
  4. 8. magma rises because it is ______ dense
  5. 9. the San Andreas fault is this many miles long
  6. 12. this boundary occurs when 2 plates move apart
  7. 15. is a machine that measure the magnitude of an eathquake
  8. 17. the second wave in an earthquake
  9. 18. the earth has ___ this many plates
  10. 19. place where the earth slips
  1. 1. can carry either the ocean floor of a continent sometime both
  2. 2. the layer we live on
  3. 5. there are this many boundaries
  4. 7. __________ is how many earthquakes happen a year
  5. 10. this person job is to build more stable buildings
  6. 11. no plate can________ without another _________
  7. 13. plates move this many inches a year
  8. 14. this boundary happens when 2 plates slip past each other moving in the opposite direction
  9. 15. this is a wave of energy that is released when an earthquake occurs
  10. 16. this moves plates