Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. boundary when plates slide past each other
  2. 6. fault when the land is pulling apart or stretching
  3. 7. fault caused by compressional forces and results in shortening
  4. 8. contain flowing material and is responsible for plate movement
  5. 12. boundary plates that move apart
  1. 1. solid part of the crust and upper mantle
  2. 2. slip fault movement is horizontal, they slip past each other
  3. 3. hot molten rock forced up the the cracks from sea floor spreading
  4. 4. boundary when plates move together
  5. 9. zone dense plate sinks under heavier continental plate
  6. 10. tectonics earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections
  7. 11. floor spreading when hot material from earth's crust rises to the surface