Plate Tectonics/Earth Systems Vocab

  1. 2. A theory that explains how tectonic plates move and change
  2. 3. When two plates collide and one sinks under the other into the mantle
  3. 7. The theory that continents once were one landmass called Pangaea, but broke apart and moved to their current positions
  4. 8. A boundary formed by tectonic plates colliding
  5. 10. When magma rises towards the surface and forms new oceanic crust
  6. 12. The man who came up with the idea of continental drift
  7. 13. A boundary where two plates slide past each other
  1. 1. Broken-up parts of the lithosphere
  2. 4. A ring of volcanoes around the Pacific
  3. 5. Contains the crust as well as the upper mantle
  4. 6. The supercontinent that consisted of all the current continents all together
  5. 9. Where two plates meet
  6. 11. Two plates moving away from each other