Plate tetonics

  1. 2. the thinnest layer of the Earth
  2. 3. barriers that divide t he plate tectonics
  3. 10. The original supercontinent made up of all other continents
  4. 11. Thickest layer of the earth
  5. 12. the denser, weaker layer beneath the lithospheric mantle
  6. 13. According to the Theory of Continental Drift, the British Isles Scandinavia and the Caledonian Mountains were once connected with the __________ mountains.
  7. 16. the amount of major tectonic plates
  8. 17. Breaking of the Earth's crust
  9. 18. one results of Continental Drift
  1. 1. occurs when 2 plate tectonics grind against each other
  2. 4. Forms underwater when two plate tectonics converge
  3. 5. one result of continental drift
  4. 6. Hot semi-fluid material under the crust of the Earth
  5. 7. Creator of the theory of Continental Drift
  6. 8. occurs between two plates tectonics that are grinding against one another.
  7. 9. The cool outermost layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle
  8. 14. a way to describe the state of the mantle
  9. 15. The main divisions of land