  1. 2. the child plays alone, no connection or conversation
  2. 4. play follows a directional trend from simple to ----
  3. 5. daily work of a child
  4. 7. a type of play where the child spends most of his time watching others play
  5. 8. the use of play especially as a language for sick children to communicate
  6. 9. play must be -----
  7. 11. constructive play teaches children about ------
  8. 15. a type of play where in the child plays alone with toys that are shared with others
  9. 16. a type of play which concentrates on events in health care settings.
  10. 17. what does play focuses on
  1. 1. this type of play is less about being social, gross and motor skills really come into play here
  2. 3. play- the child plays with other children
  3. 6. a play where children come together and play
  4. 10. football is an example of what play?
  5. 12. toy
  6. 13. play is invented ----invented
  7. 14. play is done by the players
  8. 15. a researcher at umi of child development