Pledge of Allegiance - Practice Vocabulary

  1. 3. to the Flag of the United States of ________
  2. 5. one Nation under ______ , indivisible
  3. 6. with liberty and justice for ______
  4. 8. ______ Nation under God, indivisible
  5. 9. to the Flag of the _______ States of America
  6. 11. to the Flag of the United ________ of America
  7. 12. and to the __________ for which it stands
  8. 16. with ________ and justice for all
  9. 18. I pledge _________
  10. 19. one Nation ________ God, indivisible
  11. 20. and to the Republic for _______ it stands
  1. 1. I _______ allegiance
  2. 2. one ________, under God, indivisible
  3. 4. one Nation under God, _________
  4. 6. ______ to the Republic for which it stands
  5. 7. with liberty and ________ for all
  6. 10. and to ______ Republic for which it stands
  7. 13. and to the Republic for which it ________
  8. 14. to the _______ of the United States of America
  9. 15. ______ liberty and justice for all
  10. 17. with liberty and justice _______ all