PLTW Design Brief and Simple Machines Vocab

  1. 2. A grooved wheel with a chain, rope, or belts passes through and which is used to change the direction or magnitude of a force
  2. 5. Overview of the project
  3. 8. A device that makes work easier
  4. 10. Products, documents, or services provided to the client
  5. 12. A simple machine that move together as a simple lever to lift or move an item by rolling
  6. 14. A flat surface set at an angle that is able to lift objects by pushing or pulling the load.
  7. 15. limitations or restrictions
  1. 1. The solution to the client's problem
  2. 3. a device that combines two or more simple machines
  3. 4. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder, forming the path and pitch.
  4. 6. A description of the client's want or need
  5. 7. a moving inclined plane
  6. 9. The person who creates the solution
  7. 11. A rigid bar that is free to move around a fixed point
  8. 13. the pivot point of a lever
  9. 15. The person with a need or want