PLTW Intoduction

  1. 4. set of instructions
  2. 5. _____ computing builds real world interactions
  3. 8. Charles says computer scientists ____ their minds
  4. 9. break in a signal between two devices
  5. 11. computers receive, process and ____ information
  6. 12. Charles says software programs____ patients
  7. 13. _____ science creates solutions with computers
  8. 14. the result of an operation in a system
  9. 15. physical computing solves _____
  10. 16. pulse ____ measures a person's oxygen level
  1. 1. information put into a system
  2. 2. what a computer is like
  3. 3. single integrated circuit with inputs & outputs
  4. 6. chip that processes inputs and outputs
  5. 7. computer scientists create _____ experiences
  6. 10. short range wireless connection