
  1. 4. Belt New Horizons wanted to explore
  2. 6. amount of moons pluto has
  3. 9. who hydra battled in mythology
  4. 10. Pluto is -3.67 billion miles from the
  5. 14. used to compare moons small size
  6. 15. orbit is more
  7. 17. moons discovered by Hubble
  8. 20. Charon's _________ is water-ice and contains very little rock
  9. 21. _____ Planitia on pluto, ice covered basin
  10. 22. field unknown if Pluto has this
  11. 23. layer of ______ surrounding Pluto
  12. 25. other name for deathstar theory, theoretical planet
  13. 26. Charon's temperature
  1. 1. comet with orbit that is the same distance as Pluto
  2. 2. mission launched in 2006
  3. 3. because one of the moons and Pluto rotate around each other, Pluto is this
  4. 5. how Pluto and Charon orbit
  5. 6. New Horizons wanted to discover where Pluto and its moons ______
  6. 7. 119.61 degrees
  7. 8. the orbit is not on the same _____ as other planets
  8. 11. located in Kuiper Belt
  9. 12. 1 yr = 248 earth years
  10. 13. Pluto's biggest planet, means fierce brightness in Greek
  11. 16. Nitrogen and Methane are ______ from their ices
  12. 18. Jess' favorite telescope
  13. 19. what is Nix in greek mythology
  14. 24. New Horizons is _____ exploring